Friday, April 25, 2008

Education Cuts--Republican Elitists

Took a bus to Sacramento with about 50 Berkeley parents to join a state-wide PTA protest of planned budget cuts. Disappointing turnout from the state, maybe only 500-600 people in attendance. Berkeley had the largest contingent of any school district. Some good rousing speeches that were inspiring and sad--how can the people have California paid so little attention to our young for so long? (Because the students who need the most and get the least are Black and Hispanic?) BUSD Mark Coplan gave a good speech about the insanity of having to visit Sacramento annually to beg for a decent education for our children.

Here is the Daily Planet's coverage of the protest:

A large group of the Berkeleyans roamed the halls of the state house and communicated with staff representatives for three Republican legislators. Despite the fact that California is 46th in per pupil funding, the republicans believe there are still inefficiencies and revenue enhancement will hurt the state's economy. These are tired old arguments while our students' future is sacrificed for no new tax pledges and take care of their kids in affluent suburban schools or private schools.


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